We believe good policy decisions are generated by foresight and experience.

Enspire has an excellent understanding of objective, policy and rule formulation, which gives us a great appreciation and understanding of plan administration, rule interpretation and plan implementation. We have worked with regional and district plans and been involved in local government processes throughout New Zealand; thus, we are adept at developing clear and practical policy solutions. Given our local government, and private sector experience we offer an array of services with respect to regional and district plan and policy matters. Additionally, we have a strong understanding of the operating environment for central government and are adept in providing advice on central government processes.

Services for Local Government:

  • Assistance with plan development and preparation of plan changes – including undertaking robust research in order to understand the issues and inform the plan or plan change, section 32 analysis and preparation, designing consultation strategies and facilitating consultation processes, technical policy drafting and development, designing and project managing the planning processes required to meet regulatory outcomes.
  • Peer reviewing and ‘road testing’ council plans and plan changes.
  • Planning for and responding to natural disasters and climate change.
  • Strategy development to assist organisational performance within councils.
  • Monitoring and assessing implications of Central Government policy and regulatory changes to Local Government and drafting submissions to such changes.
  • Staff/client advice, development, education and mentoring.

Services for businesses and property owners:

  • Monitoring and assessing the implications of policy and plan changes, annual and long-term plans and strategies and providing advice, preparing feedback, submissions and further submissions offering practical solutions.
  • Reviewing Council Officer reports and plan or plan change decisions and providing advice.
  • Hearing, caucusing, mediation and Environment Court representation associated with plan or plan changes.


Click on the below images to learn more about our Success Stories with policies.

Get in touch with our team:

The Enspire team welcomes the opportunity to discuss your requirements.

Email: hello@enspire.co.nz |  Phone: +64 7 571 8289
Postal Address: PO Box 13009, Tauranga, 3141